
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Finding the Balance

I'm still holding short of my 30th birthday but when it comes to things related to general aviation and motoring I seem to be more like minded to those twice my age. I don't appose alternative fuels at all, but I will argue long and hard for traditionally fueled cars. It's the smell of the gasoline, the cry of everything from a high revving four cylander to the brutal roar of a monstrous V12. I don't want electrical silence in my race car, I just don't. The motion to force automakers to produce a low average mpg across their lines just means there are a lot of crappy little cars to balance out the flagship gas guzzlers that get customers into dealerships.

Aviation is worse. I don't care what powers my plane but can politicians please stop trying to make my hundred dollar hamburger cost eight hundred fifty two dollars and a mile of paperwork? I'm a licensed private pilot that has already put thousands of my hard earned dollars into getting my license and remaining safe and informed.

Would I fly an electric plane? Sure. Can I escape landing fees by doing it? Aviation fuel is absurdly expensive but the costs that can be associated with a leisurely cross country flight are worse. If user fees are put into place by the government sightseeing flights will go the way of the Sunday drive.

My advice is to fly or drive what you want, not what the government tells you to. There will be enough environmentalists driving golf carts to balance out the Super Car you've worked for since it was on your bedroom wall.